Copic Color Matcher/Recipe Builder © mhavey

Match/Build Recipes

See also

In this tab you build Copic recipes. To find good colors for your recipe, enter a Copic color code and click "Search" to find Copic markers whose color is similar. You can check boxes to include in the search results markers of the same family (e.g., B14 is in the same family as B12) or to exclude from the search markers you don't own. Each marker in the results has a score, which measures how similar its color is to the color you are searching on; the lower the score, the closer the match. If you think a marker shown in the results is a poor match for the marker you are searching on, check "Bad match" to exclude that combination of markers from future searches.

Drag colors you think are suitable from the search results to the recipe builder. In the builder can you rearrange the colors by dragging them left or right. Give your recipe a name, enter a list of tags (separated by comma), and click "Add To Favorites" to save the recipe. Your recipe will then be available in the Recipes tab.

Search for Marker Matches



Recipe Builder

Drag in a matched color here.

Recipe Name:

Tags (use comma to separate):

Favorite Recipes

See also

Here is a list of recipes that you built in the Match/Builder tab. You can view the details of each recipe, remove the recipe (by clicking the "Remove" button), edit the recipe (by clicking on the "Edit" button, which will take you to the Match/Build tab), change the recipe's tags (to see them check the "Show Tags" box), and view/print the list of markers and refills that you don't currently own but are needed for your recipes. Use the search bar to filter your recipes; you will see recipes whose name or tags is similar to the search text you entered.

None. Import recipes or build a new one in the builder tab.


Name Tags (use comma to separate) Colors  
Order these markers
Order these refills


See also

Here is the complete Copic set of colors. Click/unclick the checkboxes to indicate whether you own/don't own the marker or refill for each color.

Share With Friends

See also

Your settings (including recipes and inventory of markers you own) are saved in your browser. You can share them with your friends. To send your settings to a friend, click on "Export", copy the contents of the settings displayed in this tab, and paste them into the body of an email addressed to you friend. Your friend can then copy the contents of the email, paste it onto this tab and click "Import".